Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a quick note before i have to get back to crazy life

so its been way crazy around the morris household. the kids are out of shool for 2 weeks and we r trying to pack... we r moving in 2 weeks from today. i feel so overwelmed , i also feel like i have nothing don, it is so hard to pack things when you know you will be using them. i have been so stressed about everything lately. i just wish i knew everything was going to be ok. i guess thats why we have faith. and i know that heavenly father only gives us these trials because he loves us, he already knows that we will get threw them, we have to prove it to ourselves though.. i wish it wasnt that complicated!! please keep our family in your prayers..we would really appreciate them..


Cori White said...

im sure you will be glad when its all over. blades didnt go into work tonight but tomorrow he will.. he said some of the boxes arent that sturdy but he will get what he can..
i tagged you on my blog.. check it out

Anonymous said...

You can do it sis! Keep your chin up! I love you!

Nikki said...

You are moving? I had no idea. What can I do for you? anything? I am glad you haev a blog to keep me informed and to keep in touch when you do leave. You are in our prayers.