So I've had a rough couple weeks with the kids being out of school so i thought that it might help if i type in some things i love about my kids!!! here i go
he gives great hugs
my very best helper. he will do anything for me.
he always wants to go with me.
he is a great big brother
great example to ME
he is very loving and kind
hes a great student
he does the best dolphin noise EVER(if your ever around ask him to do it, its amazing)
he has the sweetest spirit
he is very active
great at video games
very forgiving
greatest big sister
great friend
helps out around the house
her beautiful smile
her willingness to choose the right
she has a beautiful singing voice
cuddle bug
cheesy smile(but i love it)
her dance moves, she makes me laugh
loves her little brother to death
her ability to love everyone
sweet spirit
she is a total diva and i love it
her new yorker acsent
her motherly qualities(she is always mothering everyone Else's kids)
she always has a hug and kids or an i love you for me:)
his bleach blond hair
his dark skin
his adorable lil half smile
his laugh
his beautiful blue eyes
his butterfly kisses
he looks up to his dad like he is his hero.
he loves his brother and sisters soo much
when he gives in and cuddles with me instead of daddy
his little song he made up which goes a lil like this:i love daddy , i love mommy, i love dano, i love riri i love leelee.. it is the cutes thing...
i just want them to know how much they have in packed my life and that not a day goes by that my love and respect grows for them.they are all turning out to be awesome kids and i love them dearly!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
my kids
Posted by Morris family at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
new calling part 2
so i got a call last week from the ex. secretary asking if i could meet with one of the bishopric. what went threw my mind was that they had a mix up because they just put in a new 2nd counselor. so yesterday when the ex Secretary called me back to confirm i asked him.. is this about my calling as a scout leader? because there was so much confusion with my scout calling.. meaning: that they actually called and sustained me in sacrament and i had no clue i was getting the calling.. i was not actually there that sunday when that had happened.. well he assured me it was for another calling! and i was thinking well i just got the scout calling and i was really looking forward to last night i went in and they asked me to be a visiting teaching supervisor along with my scout calling!i was like cool 2 callings. i think this is just making up for the last year i was unable to have a calling!! i am so excited about both callings and for the changes it will have in me !!
this is truly a blessing and i cant wait
Posted by Morris family at 4:05 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
not very happy!!!
so saturday i got new tires for my car which we needed desperately.. well i had scheduled to get thee alignment done for monday. so yesterday i packed all the kids in the car and we were off! an appointment that should have only lasted about an hour. so i got there dropped the beast off and me and the four kids walked across the street to mcdonalds for breakfast. i figured they could eat and play and be marry. after about 30 minutes of that i was like lets walk over to Walgreen's and i will drop this script off so by ther time we r done waiting for that my car will be done. so we headed over there im standing in line to drop the script off and the phone rings. i hand the script over and answer the phine its the guy from breaks plus who has my car. and while im pushing the stroller i hear a crash one of the kids left my soda just sitting on the chair in the stroller it fell and spilled all in the bottom of my stroller. ughhhhhhhhhhh now it was dripping on the floor and the kids are playing around in the toy area and i have the guy on the phone telling me there is something wrong with my car and that its gonna be around $500.00 with the alignment..... which the alignment was only gonna be $50.00 ughhhhhhhh.. so im like ok let me get ahold of my hubby and he will call you (i have no clue when it comes to cars and parts) so i tried for what seemed to be like forever to get ahold of dh but it as really only 10 minutes. i still have soda dripping all over the floor even though while i was on the phone we were in the bathroom cleaning it up. ive got kids running everywhere. so i got the meds and headed out about half way back to the brakes plus place i finally reached aaron and i totally started balling!!! i didnt want to sit here any longer much less pay $450 more then what i had planned. so i got back there and talked to the guy who was working on my car, he talked to aaron and told me it was only gonna be about an hour. so i was like oh i can handle another hour(they had a tv/dvd player with kids movies s... so we popped on in and it was all going fine. well a hour came and went and it was and hour and a half the guy came out and was like i have to get another part and im not gonna charge you and blah blah blah i was like its ive been here since 10 am ugg and it was already 1:30. OMG!!!!! ok so i was like ok how long he said about 30 to 45 minutes i was like ok..... well i should have known so i packed the kids back into the stroller and we went to applebees sence it was right next door. we ate and i was like ok by the time we finish eating it will be done. so we r sitting there eating we finish i pack the kids back into he stroller and we see the yukon pulled onto thee alignment thing so i was like sweet they r almost done.. well they werent i sat there almost another hour. finally she called my name and i PAYED THE $515 AND SOMETHING CHANGE.. i didn't get home till almost 4 oclock... can you believe that. well now i have no money and yeah the 500 dollars was for school clothes and activities for the kids and i to do until school started ! which starts in less then 5 weeks... aarons bonus better come fast lol well im just really irritated to day my poor kids and i had to wait all day for that car, aarons dad had even said he would have come pick us up around the time i told aaron what was going on which was around 11:30 and i said no because the guy said it was only gonna be an hour.. oh well.. i feel alot better now that ive got that out lol
Posted by Morris family at 8:48 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
slacker and fathers day
i have been super busy with my very active fun n loving kids. we have been doing so much from cleaning house , shopping , movies swimming, you name it we've done it. wow busy busy. we have been having such
Posted by Morris family at 4:35 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
play along(got this from kelly)
Okay, as a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :) If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments
Posted by Morris family at 1:40 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
new calling!!
so yeah i got a calling!! Im in the scouts! im going to be workng with the wolves. i am so excited
Posted by Morris family at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
getting back
Posted by Morris family at 10:02 PM 2 comments