Monday, October 20, 2008

i was tagged!!!

I was asked to take pictures of the following 10 things. But there was a catch — no prepping, primping, or picking up. The point is to see how these things/items/people exist in real life. Take your camera and just go for it.

please keep in mind i just moved into my new home less then a week ago so things are a little out of place.

here it goes

1. our fridge:

2. our closet:

3. kitchen sink:

4. toilet:

5. my favorite shoes:

6. my favorite room:

7.what are my kids doing:sammy was taking a nap and the 3 older kids were at school

8. laundry :allll done!!

9.self portrait:

10.dream vacation:bahamas

and i tag all my blogger buddies that havent done this yet!!! thanks tahmi


Amy said...

ah crap! :)

and BTW HOW on earth do you get laundry DONE??? That never happens here!

Marily said...

Man it's taken me a long time to comment back to you! Glad you came across your blog--it's good to see what you are up to and your kids are so cute!